Questions Every Mother of the Bride Should Ask Potential Wedding Photographers in Utah

Planning a wedding in Utah? So many details to choose and so much fun to be had! But often that can feel daunting. I felt the same way planning my wedding and looking into wedding photographers. Finding a wedding photographer in Utah that is the right fit can be tricky. Here are 5 key questions you should definitely ask your wedding photographer before paying a deposit!

  1. Can we see some of your previous collections?

    I think it is absolutely critical to see a real collection of a photographer’s work from a real wedding day. While styled shoots can provide beautiful photos to get a feel for the photographer’s overall style, it is important to see how they capture photos in the midst of the hustle and bustle of a real wedding day.

  2. What is your process for backing up photos?

    Oh good heavens we do not need lost photos. Make sure your photographer is shooting your photos on multiple SD cards (that way if one goes corrupt you still have photos!) and backing up in multiple locations. Better to be safe than sorry.

  3. How will you balance the couple photos vs the family shots on the wedding day?

    On a busy wedding day, there are so many pictures to get: ceremony shots, first dance, cake cutting, detail shots, photos of you with the bride, etc. Each wedding schedule is a little bit different, but make sure to talk with your photographer about scheduling ample time for family photos with the bride and groom.

  4. Do these prices include travel fees?

    It is annoying to be caught off guard by additional fees. Make sure to clarify all pricing details with your photographer. Does the pricing include tax, travel fees, or anything else you should be aware of?

  5. How soon will we receive our wedding photos?

    The best way to manage disappointment is to manage expectations. Will you be receiving your photo collection back in 4 weeks or 4 months? Will there be preview pictures sent sooner?

Asking these questions can help you see if a photographer is the right fit for you and your daughter. Let’s make wedding planning less stressful and more fun!

Aubrey Risenmay